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                      PHASE 1 (a)
                 Backpack Brigade

An army of back packs stuffed with school supplies, clothes, shoes, etc.   Snack Packs filled with food or snack items to reduce food insecurity.

WATCH Sept 7.jpg

                         PHASE 2
                        Let's Move

Playing, exercise, bike riding, sports...Movement improves health, learning capability, and productivity in life.

Happy Children

                           PHASE 3 (b)
PEACE - Purpose, Excellence, Accepting Others,
               Caring, Everyday

Character development. life skills, accountability and responsibility training to exhibit PEACE

All Hands In

                 PHASE 1 (b)
                  Book Bags

Book Give Aways to promote literacy and encourage creating home libraries.

Happy Reader

                    PHASE 3 (a)
          Rising To The Challenge

Coaching and Mentoring for academic and professional success.

Business Presentation

                      PHASE 4
            Life in Motion Project

Career survey, community forums, youth entrepreneurship and apprenticeships to maximize interests and potential

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